About us

About us

At Thera Wealth Management, we provide private clients and business owners with highly tailored independent financial planning.

We practice holistic financial planning, meaning we prefer to work with clients on an ongoing basis so that we can ensure your financial needs and goals are met throughout your life.

Our team are unfaltering in their commitment to gold standard advice, service and care. Whether it’s over Zoom or a coffee, we’re here to answer your questions, help you overcome the challenges you face and ensure your finances keep pace with the changes in your life and goals.

Our approach

Our holistic approach means that rather than tackling your financial challenges in isolation, we encourage you to place each decision in the context of your wider life goals. We will ask you questions such as “how would you like your life to change?” and “where are you heading?” Doing so allows us to ensure that every decision you make, however small, is helping you take a step closer to financial independence.

Why are we called Thera?

Thera is the ancient name for the Greek island now known as Santorini. Named after its mythical ruler, Theras, the island was once home to a highly advanced ancient civilization.

It is a beautiful island and a place we are lucky to have close connections to. According to ancient Greek myth, Santorini was formed out of a miracle. While we don’t employ miracles to bring about the changes our clients want to see, we do believe that we it is possible to achieve great things when you have a great team on your side, and a vision and plan for the future you want for yourself.

Meet the team

Philip Dragoumis

Director, Independent Financial Planner

Paraskevi Dimitrokali

Director, Practice Manager

Jo Campbell

Head of Paraplanning

0207 205 4400 info@therawealth.co.uk
45 Albemarle Street,
3rd Floor,
