News & Articles

Our library of blog articles is a free resource we provide to help our clients and prospective clients understand their finances better. If you have any specific questions about planning your wealth to achieve your goals, then please contact us.

15 Jun 2022

Don’t fall in love with your stocks- a lesson from “The Staircase”

It’s 2001. A writer, Michael Peterson (played by Colin Firth) is convicted of murdering his wife Kathleen (Toni Collette), a high ranking executive at the troubled Canadian telecoms company Nortel which eventually went bankrupt. Their lives before her eventual death at the bottom of a staircase are told in a… Read More

19 May 2022

Taking stock – a quick guide to RSUs

Restricted Stock Units or RSUs for short are a popular way for some of the big listed firms such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft to incentivise their employees. Effectively they are a form of equity compensation. The employer promises to give you shares in their company at specific dates now… Read More

19 May 2022

The case for bonds: The water for our whisky

The case for bonds: The water for our whisky Bonds tend to get a bad press. Equities or stocks and shares get all the love and attention because they are more exciting and have attractive growth stories. Bonds are viewed as boring, low risk low return investments that are good… Read More

05 May 2022

7 important things you may overlook when you’re moving home

It’s often said that moving house is one of the most stressful experiences. So, it’s natural that some of the tasks you should tick off slip your mind. According to a study covered in Metro, more than half of homebuyers say the process is even more stressful… Read More

05 May 2022

The Platinum Jubilee: From shillings to contactless payments in 70 years

This summer the Queen will celebrate an incredible 70 years on the throne. Since her reign began in 1952, the world has changed a lot – who in the 1950s would’ve thought it’d be normal to carry a computer in your pocket that lets you make calls, access the internet,… Read More

05 May 2022

Misconceptions mean that 40% of homeowners don’t have life insurance

Do you have life insurance in place? A survey suggests that some homeowners are choosing not to take it out because of common misconceptions about how life insurance works. Life insurance would pay out a lump sum to beneficiaries if the policyholder passed away during the term. As a result,… Read More

05 May 2022

80% of over-55s don’t have a Lasting Power of Attorney in place. Overlooking this could place you in a vulnerable position

Do you have a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in place? If you don’t, it could leave you in a vulnerable position if you’re unable to make decisions for yourself, such as after an accident or illness. Losing the mental capacity or ability to make decisions for yourself is something… Read More

05 May 2022

4 valuable pension lessons younger generations can learn from the regrets of the over-50s

Those nearing retirement have plenty of lessons to teach younger generations. A survey asking over-50s how they feel about their pension and retirement plans has highlighted some regrets workers could learn from. When you’re in your 20s, 30s and 40s, retirement can still seem like it’s a long way off… Read More

05 May 2022

Typical worker approaching retirement is 58% short of their pension goal. Are you saving enough?

Figures suggest that workers nearing retirement could find they’re facing a significant income shortfall later in life. Understanding how your pension savings will add up before you retire is crucial for creating long-term financial wellbeing. According to a report from the Social Market Foundation, people approaching retirement… Read More

22 Apr 2022

10 outstanding walks to enjoy during May to celebrate National Walking Month

May is National Walking Month and, as the weather starts to improve, it’s the perfect time to plan a hike in some of the UK’s most beautiful locations. National Walking Month aims to encourage people to walk more every day. It can help improve your mental and physical wellbeing, as… Read More

22 Apr 2022

Landlords could benefit from purchasing eco-friendly homes ahead of proposed buy-to-let EPC change

A government proposal that would raise the minimum energy performance certificate (EPC) rating of buy-to-let properties is already influencing purchasing decisions. If you’re a landlord, thinking about how the potential changes could affect you now could pay off in the long term. An EPC shows how energy-efficient a property is… Read More

22 Apr 2022

3 interesting pieces of data that show why you shouldn’t panic during market volatility

Over the last two years, investors have experienced a lot of volatility. If you’ve been tempted to change long-term plans, data can highlight why you shouldn’t panic. At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, markets fell sharply, and investors continued to experience volatility as the situation and restrictions changed. Just… Read More

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