News & Articles

Our library of blog articles is a free resource we provide to help our clients and prospective clients understand their finances better. If you have any specific questions about planning your wealth to achieve your goals, then please contact us.

05 Jan 2023

Investment market update: December 2022

2022 ended with uncertainty and volatility that’s persisted for much of the year. Read on to find out what happened in December and how it affected investment markets. Looking ahead, uncertainty is likely to be something investors will need to negotiate in 2023 too. As economies continue to struggle with… Read More

05 Jan 2023

How to set out goals to achieve success in 2023

What do you want to achieve in 2023? From improving your fitness to learning a new skill to support your career goals, setting out what you want to achieve this year can help you lead the life you want. While many people set a new year resolution, many are forgotten… Read More

05 Jan 2023

Why you need to consider your retirement plans if you choose a longer mortgage

Data suggests that an increasing number of homeowners could be paying their mortgage past the traditional retirement age. While taking out a longer mortgage can be useful, it’s important to have a long-term plan so you can meet other goals too. According to research from Quilter, the… Read More

05 Jan 2023

What are “stealth taxes”, and how could they affect your wealth?

Over the last few months, you may have heard the term “stealth taxes”. While you may not be affected by changing tax rates or lowered thresholds immediately, your tax bill could rise without you noticing due to freezes in certain allowances or exemptions. The term stealth tax is used to… Read More

05 Jan 2023

61% of Brits feel stressed about later-life planning. Here are 5 things you can do to boost your confidence

The majority of Brits feel stressed about planning their retirement, a survey from Aviva finds. While later-life planning can seem complex, taking control of your goals and pension during your working life can mean you feel more confident. The survey found that 61% of Brits feel stressed… Read More

05 Jan 2023

Estate planning: What is it and why does it matter?

Have you thought about how you’ll use assets later in life or what you’d like to happen to them when you pass away? Planning for the future with an estate plan now could improve your long-term security and ensure your wishes are followed. While it can be difficult to think… Read More

05 Dec 2022

Less than a third of families have an emergency fund that provides financial security

Two-thirds of families could find themselves in financial difficulty if they face a shock because they don’t have enough saved in an emergency fund, research suggests. Do you have enough saved to cover potential emergencies? An emergency fund is an important part of creating financial resilience. It means you could… Read More

05 Dec 2022

5 useful questions to consider if you’re planning to downsize

There are many reasons why you might be thinking about downsizing. From needing less space now children have moved out to releasing equity to fund your retirement, setting out your needs can help you choose a property that’s right for you. Here are five questions that can be useful to… Read More

05 Dec 2022

Experts forecast a recession in 2023. Here’s why and what it means for your investments

Experts are predicting that the UK will face a recession in 2023. While it can be tempting to react to this news by changing your investment strategy, sticking to your long-term plan makes sense for most investors. Read on to find out why. Several factors are contributing to economic uncertainty,… Read More

05 Dec 2022

Do you have a gap in your National Insurance record? Checking now could boost your State Pension

The rules around filling in a gap in your National Insurance (NI) record are changing. From 5 April 2023, you will only be able to make voluntary contributions for the past six years. If you have gaps in your record, filling them in now could boost your retirement income. There… Read More

05 Dec 2022

Annuity rates soar 52% in 2022 and could provide security amid uncertainty

Annuity rates are rising, and they could provide retirees with a way to create a secure income during times of volatility and high inflation. Read on to find out if an annuity is something you should consider. An annuity is an insurance product you purchase with a lump sum that… Read More

05 Dec 2022

After the risk of pensions collapsing made headlines, here’s how your retirement savings are protected

Recently, you may have read headlines about how pension funds were close to collapsing. Naturally, you may be worried about your retirement savings and what protection is in place. Read on to find out. In September, former chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng delivered a mini-Budget that included aggressive tax cuts. It led… Read More

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